restavfall = garbage

News from today: Skräpstrul i N:a Djurgårdsstaden – sopsugen låg nere hela helgen Translation of this newspaper headline: " Rubbish trash in N: Djurgårdsstaden - the garbage collection was down all weekend ." Indeed... Garbage has been an interesting source of exploration for us since we arrived. We spent the first week at our short term rental apartment wondering what to do with the recycling (down the block in large containers) and garbage (Elizabeth finally suggested we push on the door that looked like a garbage room). Somehow the language program we're using hasn't spent a lot of time on vocabulary associated with trash and recycling. Then we moved to our apartment in North Djurgårdsstaden (the name of our neighborhood). Jennifer and Sven, from whom we are sub-leasing, showed us what to do. The sign in the elevator reinforces what we're supposed to do... but then when we were left to our devices, we had to figure it out again. It's taken us a bit. We ...