Kristi Himmelsfärds Dag, klämdag, and Memorial Day
You may not know that today is Kristi Himmelsfärds Dag and tomorrow is a klämdag. To translate, today is Ascension Day in Sweden, and tomorrow is a "squeeze day." If we were in Sweden, most things would be closed for the four day weekend (and since things are still relatively open despite covid, they would be closed today and tomorrow). Ascension Day marks 40 days after Easter- the 6th Thursday to be precise. A religious holiday marked by extinguishing a candle that has been lit since Easter, it also marks a day for picnics at dawn and the start of the Swedish fishing season. A klämdag - a squeeze day-- is an unusual term but I can appreciate what it is: A squeeze day is a single work day that falls between one holiday and another work-free day. On squeeze days, many people take time off from work through compensatory leave ("complete") or vacation . A regular recurring squeeze day in Sweden is the day after Christ's ascension , which alwa