en månad i= one month in, and 24 years later
en månad i= one month in (or a bit more than that). Also 24 years later. What to reflect? We arrived in Sweden on Aug. 15th, so have been here for a bit more than a month. Time does fly. It's nice to be in our apartment. The kids are doing well in school- both making friends and learning the ways of a new school. We had student-teacher-parent conferences last week and this- both sets of teachers report the kids seem to be doing fine. It's nice to (generally) know where we are going- though step out of a routine and I seem to go the wrong way on a train still. Ah well. Both Chris and I have settled into working on all the research projects that needed moving forward while starting new projects with Stockholm University (Chris) and the Fulbright (me). The last month+ has been nice to explore a bit, figure out a daily routine, find ways to get exercise, and think hard about what we're experiencing here (future posts coming on topics as disparate as th...